Sunday, April 11, 2010

The nursery is painted

The nursery is painted! Check out the color on the wall behind me. I decided I'd consent to a belly shot since people have been asking. Of course, Fonzie had to pose with me. Jason had to get the hat that Fonzie is modeling. We keep getting yelled at that we're not allowed to buy things but this was too irrestible.
If you can't read it, the hat says "I Hunt for Hugs."
Fonzie really was a good sport about the whole thing.


Tracie said...

I love the color of the walls. Cute hat too :-)

Oergel said...

You are looking great! Great shade of blue and the hat is awesome. I'm sure baby will love the hat if Fonzie decides to share.

Are we there yet? said...

Love the blue and white! Can't wait to see the room!