Sunday, May 2, 2010

The wonders of technology

We went today for our 3D/4D ultrasound. If you are wondering what in the world you're looking at below, it's a funny story. Baby is low, really low, hunched into the left side of my pelvic bone. He was sound asleep and had no intentions of moving. I can't quite make out all of the details but here's how he was positioned. His fingers are over his nose and he actually has his foot up over his head with his toes going into his eyes as well. You could tell he has a face but he had it covered. I just don't see how it could be comfortable to sleep like this.
The technician seriously could not have been any nicer. She sent me out in search of a sugary drink (after verifying that I did not have gestational diabetes) to see if that would get him to wake up or move. So, we went over to McDonalds where I began drinking Coke as fast as I could while sitting in a very comfy chair in front of the fire but partially laying on my side. He seems to move more when I'm on my side. I finally felt some stirring so we rushed back. I got back on the table, he was still asleep but had been kind enough to move his hand and leg. His foot was still kinda next to his head so he had toes in his eyes. Nice right? He seemed to respond to my voice when I said certain things so we actually saw him open his eyes and smile a bit. And the tech could see parts so we know absolutely 100% for sure that he is really a boy. I was paranoid to start washing clothes until we went today. I think he looks like Jason with my nose, any other thoughts?
If you know someone looking for a place to get this done, please have them contact me. We had such a great experience and would love to send her any business we can!


Oergel said...

Baby Boy is beautiful!

Rosie said...

AWWW What a beutiful Story. How precious to see the little man. Love the room looks great. I can't believe you are half way there.
Love you