Sunday, February 21, 2010

A visit to Birch Bay

We went up to visit 3 of our favorite girls and their fabulous parents up in Birch Bay yesterday and stayed the night. We asked to bring along the dogs for the visit since we think it might be a good idea for them to get used to being around kids more. We really are not too concerned about it, they are always good arounds kids but it's good to get them prepared. Soph and Ceci were amazing and threw the ball for both Duke and Roscoe most of the day yesterday and all morning before we headed home.
As you can see, Roscoe was enjoying himself quite a bit!

We all headed over to the beach for a bit and took the dogs for a walk. They very much wanted to go swimming but we had to keep them leashed. I was somewhat grateful since it would keep them from smelling like swamp rats again!

The girls were totally enthralled with Fonzie so were more than willing to assist with walking him on his leash.
After the beach, the girls got to open their Christmas gifts from us. Yes, I realize it's late February but both sides of the equation have been pretty busy since the holidays. Duke stuck his head in the picture which cracked me up.

Gia came a long way with the dogs. When we first arrived, she was pretty freaked out by them. As time wore on, she was looking for them and wanting to play with them. She even let Duke give her kisses. Fonzie tried to play with her but couldn't quit figure out what to do with her. She spent a lot of time sitting on the floor watching Fonzie to see what he was doing. It was pretty cute!
We headed home after lunch and all 3 dogs were totally and completely passed out on the way home. I had to take a picture of them in the back. They usually have a no touching rule but appeared to be making an exception today. Roscoe woke up when I was snapping the camera. All dogs are still passed out downstairs with Dad watching TV.

1 comment:

Oergel said...

Good times, great photo's!