I'm 17 weeks along now, next appt is on Tuesday and we schedule the big ultrasound at that appointment. We're both dying to know if it's a boy or a girl. The planner that I am, I feel like I can't do anything until we have that piece of information.
So my observations thus far for your entertainment.
1) I will never again ask a pregnant woman how she's feeling. I have been asked this so many times that I fear that I am going to snap on a bad day and respond, "I'm pregnant! I don't have cancer! I already told you last week that I'm out of the first trimester and I didn't have morning sickness." I know everyone is trying to be nice so I just try to smile and say fine. (If you're reading this blog, don't be afraid to ask me this question. If you read our blog, you're in the intersanctum pretty much!)
2) Maternity clothes - seriously, who designs these? My experience for the most part is that everything is either too big in my current size or it doesn't fit at all. After a dress try on session at Motherhood Maternity, I was nearly suicidal. I realize I'm pregnant so I will not always look as fabulous as I would like but every dress I put on, made me look like an oompa loompa. And I'm barely showing at all. I think someone needs to take this idea and run with it for the sake of all women who will be pregnant in the future.
3) The bathroom - If I'm not at my desk at work, I am most definitely in the bathroom. Usually at least 10 times a day. It's a double edged sword. Drink water like you're supposed to and pee all of the time. Don't drink that much water and you end up feeling like crap.
4) Pickles - YUM! Even though this is seriously cliched, pickles have never tasted better to me in my life and I am a lifelong addict of them. I used to go to salad bars as a kid and get bowls full of them. They taste even better and I can't get enough of them. Last night, I actually had Fried Pickles at dinner with friends. So delicious!
That's probably enough hormonal rantings for today. I will try to be better about taking pictures and posting updates. We've been laying pretty low these days though.
1 comment:
Funny Post! I'm glad your doing well and look forward to your next post. Will you be sharing the sex and the name with the world?
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