Tuesday, September 2, 2008

All about the berries

Saturday, we got up early and headed to Rainier. The blackberries were ready down along the river so we went to pick some. I tried to get pictures of Tess and Annie chasing butterflies but they were too far away and moving too fast. Duke, Roscoe, Dutchess, Tess and Annie served as our bear security squad. They quite enjoyed the run down through the field. Gloria, Carrie (a very pregnant Carrie at that) and I picked blackberries. After the picking, Gloria and I made 43 jars of strawberry jam. Strawberry jam is always really foamy, we did some checking on the internet and figured out how to keep that from happening but it takes too long. One of our more perfect jars is pictured below.....

1 comment:

Oergel said...

What a great blackberry pickin day! Your strawberry jam looks fabulous.