So little man has been fighting a cold, he's had a stuffed up nose all week. He's been falling out early so we've missed bathtime most of this week. We decided that he was getting clean no matter what tonight. So I took him into the shower to wash him up then filled the tub to give him a vapor bath to help clear up his nose. I had found a robe for him this week in the closet that I completely did not realize was in there. We decided to put it on him tonight. I was somewhat skeptical if it would actually fit because it was size 9M and he's getting pretty close to moving to 9-12 months clothes. So we put it on him and his bum and winky were totally hanging out below the hem. I was in tears I was laughing so hard, he looked like a flasher in a short trenchcoat. Later, Jason said, he looks like Cousin Eddie (Christmas Vacation) in his robe! Too funny.
Merry Christmas to all!
PS-No pictures were taken of this!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Santa Paws
Back in October, Gloria sent home this outfit for Jeff. I never would have seen it since I never shop at Macy's. I got my Christmas wish today when Jeff and the dogs posed for pictures together. The dogs were rewarded with rawhides afterwards. They've always been pretty trained for pictures, Jeff is falling into line in that regard so far.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Stop calling me Archie Bunker....
Little man basically lost all of his hair on the top of his head. My mom said he looked like Archie Bunker. I said that he was getting his dad's hair line. Well, it's growing back and it looks like we're getting the toe head we thought we would. New nickname, fuzz butt.
He sure loves that rice cereal!
I spy with my little eyes....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ick, I mean elk
When I grow up, I wanna be like my daddy
First High Point visitor
My friend Justin was in town for work last week and was kind enough to come to the house to visit us and he got to meet Jeff. Fortunately, Jeff was in a good mood for the visit so Justin will stop by the next time he's in town. I can't wait to take Jeff to High Point sometime to introduce him to all of the folks on the half of the country!
The first ornament...
For the first time, we had a ceremonial first ornament on the tree. It was the baby's first Christmas ornament we bought at Disney World quite awhile back. I have to confess though - most of the ornaments are off of the tree. Our tree fell over thanks to our ghetto tree stand the day after this so I removed the majority of the ornaments until our new stand arrives from Costco.
O Christmas Tree
Aunt Susan came to visit!
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